Thanks to the power of Virtualisation and Drive Imaging I was able to set-up and test Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview in less than 8 minutes. Even better was the fact that since it took 4 clicks, I had more than enough time to grab a fresh cup of coffee. 

Here is how you can do the same:

Using the Go2Cloud platform, sign up for a 5 day free trial. The current resource promo allows sufficient capability within the trial to set-up Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview.

Once signed in the process is really simple:


The add new server functionality inside the Go2Cloud control panel

1) Type in a Server Name
2) Select the Windows 8 Developer Preview Pre-Install Option
3) Enter the size of the disk you required (20Gb is needed for the Windows 8 Pre-Install Image)
4) Click Add 

Once you click Add, your server is automatically created and added to your control panel. Now all you do is wait for the Drive to image (which shouldn’t take more than 7 mins)


Configure your newly creates server and drive from inside the control panel

Suggestions: What to do while you wait for the drive to Image :

1) Make yourself a coffee
2) Adjust the resources for your Server by Clicking on the “Blue Gears” settings icon.


Adjusting the Virtual Server resources and access settings

Change the RAM allocation to 2048Mb and set your VNC password. VNC is needed for initial access to the virtual machine thereafter you can configure Remote Desktop (RDP)
Once your resources are adjusted, click Save.  

As soon as the drive is finished imaging , power the machine up and access it via VNC. Use the IP Address visible in the control panel along with the VNC password you set.

Voila – a new Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview in the Cloud in under 8 minutes.

Now where is that coffee … mmm 

PS: If you are looking for a VNC Client and your are running Windows, click here for options. If you are running a Mac, click here for options.