Ask your customers, or any customers for that matter, what they value most from their provider of choice and the most common answer you will get:




At this point, you’re likely asking yourself: “So, if Cloud can help improve communication, I’ll improve my customer service?”


Well, yes, but it’s not quite that simple. Opening up new communication channels is only valuable if the information shared through those channels is relevant.

Customers who feel informed, feel empowered.


That means, the question you should really be asking yourself is: “How do I empower my people with the right information, at the right time to ensure that their communications leave customers feeling informed?”.  Now you’re onto something!


This is the exact question that two Go2Cloud partners, Vinewave and ECMPlus asked themselves and then answered with a collaboration that resulted in their latest product, named “In-Store Communicator”.


ECMPlus Director, Philippe Morin “We simply couldn’t accept that a dusty black book was the most effective way to capture customer requests in-store, but we also acknowledge that heavyweight software systems aren’t going to do much better.”


Looking at the “In-Store Communicators” onscreen interface reminds me of the saying “Simplicity, is in itself genius”.


The team have focused on delivering valuable information to the end user through an interface which is unintimidating and direct, even for inexperienced PC users (judge for yourself below). It even works across a wide range of devices including tablets, laptops and desktops.


The “In-Store Communicator’s” simple interface that can be tailored to meet any brand or information requirement.


More exciting than the beautiful interface, which is rebranded for each customer, has to be the speed at which this solution is deployed.


“Running the In-Store Communicator on top of the Go2Cloud platform allows us to rapidly deploy a custom, secure solution for each of our customers within a very short space of time. We get to focus on adding value for our customers, secure in the knowledge that the platform and performance are taken care of.” says Lawrence Cawood of Vinewave.


The simple answer to the title question has to be, if your goal is to improve customer service within a very short space of time, look to the Cloud to make rapid, positive changes for your business, your people and most importantly, your customers.