State of the Art Data Centres

Tier 3 Data Centres supporting our Financially Backed Service Level Agreement (SLA) 


  • Multiple Zone independent AC units.
  • Triple Redundancy on Compressors and Condensers.
  • Climate controlled and maintained between 22°C and 30°C with relative humidity maintained between 40% and 60%.

Physical Infrastructure

  • Cabinets comprise of 47U racks.
  • All cabinets have unique locks, ensuring that only approved personnel are able to gain access.
  • Perforated front and back doors, allows for 86% air flow.
  • Each rack is independently protected by a 5kVa in line UPS to mitigate against the risk of UPS failure bringing down the whole data centre. The UPS is capable of 30 Minutes at max continuous load. It takes approximately two minutes for the backup generator to start, warm up, and deliver power.

Fire Protection

  • We have proactive fire monitoring systems and incorporates best practice fire protection and prevention procedures.
  • There is multi-zone monitoring spread across the floor void, room, and ceiling voids.
  • A “double knock” activation system (2 sensors have to trigger before the gas discharge cycle is activated) is employed to mitigate against accidental discharge.


  • Two independent Municipal power feeds provide AC power.
  • Dual Redundant diesel backup generators are fuelled to provide power should the municipal supply fail.
  • UPS per rack ensure frequency, voltage and surge stability.


  • Comprehensive perimeter and building security.
  • A “Man Trap” restricts and controls access to the Data centre.
  • Pre-authorisation required for data centre access according to Garaguru’s Access Policy.
  • Continuous video surveillance of all zones and cabinets.
  • Comprehensive audit logs are maintained for all site access.


  • Multiple Zone independent AC units.
  • Triple Redundancy on Compressors and Condensers.
  • Climate controlled and maintained between 22°C and 30°C with Relative humidity maintained between 40% and 60%.


  • Alarms and early warning messages alert technicians on duty.
  • All areas have 24/7 intelligent monitoring and video surveillance with integrated motion sensors.
  • All cloud nodes are individually monitored with pro-active alerting to the on-duty technicians.